Futrlabs Pados

Pados – Android Apps on Google Play

Pados – Android Apps on Google Play

Futrlabs Pados

#BetterBhavishya – Bring down those fences, Become a caring neighbour.

We are working on something that will bring down the fences between neighbors. We will share with you in a few days.

This image is representative of today’s neighborhood.


Bring down those fences, Become
a caring neighbour.

In our last post, we shared with you on how Pados helps bring back a sense of community to the neighbourhood. This is what we mean by that.


Social networks in a neighbourhood lower crime improve public health and raise social impact.


5 Hot Technology Trends of 2015

5 HOT TECHNOLOGY TRENDS from Rajesh Soundararajan
Futrlabs Strike-a-Deal

Strike-a-deal Now, with a in-store app #Futrlabs



Businesses lose a chance to sell to over 95% visitors to a store. As visitors come and spend time with your retail sales personnel, and precious time is used to educate them about your products and services, little or no system exists to convert that effort into a sale.  Subsequently, the visitor walks away with no follow-ups made.

Strike-a-deal is a simple way to engage the prospect and ensure that each visitor to your store is followed up to make a sale and nurture loyalty.

Download Strike-a-deal free Here – We can help customize the same for you –

Categories Futrlabs

Never lose a handshake with #Futrlabs was designed with a simple philosophy of maximising returns on a sales call.

Every one who has been a Sales Person or a Sales Manager would understand on the painful process of daily call reporting. makes such a report easy by helping the field rep log the visit at your fingertips.

The location tracker, business card capture and InstaMail are some of the new capabilities that make it extremely useful for the organization. The analytics at the back-end can help provide valuable insights to maximising sales performance and optimising resources.

Download sample this here FREE –

Futrlabs Grouping Pados

Grouping – another innovative product #Futrlabs

What is Grouping?

3X3Learning BetterBhavishya Futrlabs Futureshift Pados Shoppeazy Strike-a-Deal

#Futrlabs – Some Disruptive Products

Futrlabs is the technology hub that dishes out innovative solutions to our clients, both enterprises and social sector alike. Here is a glimpse of what is cooking.


#Futrlabs small enough to innovate, big enough to disrupt

Futrlabs is our Innovation Hub that develops Intellectual Property on disruptive technologies to positively impact outcomes.

Technology is the bedrock for success. Picking the right solution for the right problem is critical. Futureshift’s Mobile, Cloud, Social and Analytics platforms will help you achieve success, instantly with the right tools.

At Futrlabs cutting-edge innovation happens because we are focused ground up with solutions that impact business and real problems. We are bunch of tech-savvy people who meet and talk to real people almost every week. That is what keeps the creative juices flowing with feet on the ground.